Exploring Alternative Wetting and Drying and Carbon Markets for Sustainable Rice Production in Punjab, Pakistan

Alternate Wetting & Drying (AWD) Technology Pilot Study Overview

The Asian Development Bank, along with national and international collaborators, is supporting a pilot study to explore low carbon rice production techniques in Punjab. The study consists of two experiments:
Experiment 1: Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from continuous flooding, single drainage, and alternate wetting and drying rice production systems in Punjab, Pakistan

Experiment 1 measures GHG emissions and water productivity in the rice-wheat cropping system to develop specific emission factors for various rice cultivation methods. This will also evaluate AWD’s potential in generating financial incentives for farmers through carbon markets.

Experiment 2: Cluster Randomized Controlled Trials for the Adoption of AWD

Experiment 2 focuses training farmers from Sheikhupura and Okara, on safe AWD to reduce water usage and methane emissions without compromising on crop yield. These training are conducted through video presentations, expert interactions, and practical demonstrations.
At the end of the rice season, a survey of trained farmers will be conducted to identify barriers and opportunities for AWD adoption.


AWD Highlights Video

Site Offices

Contact Details:

Name: Dr. Shakeel Ahmed
Role: TA-6663 Project CABI Team Lead
Email: [email protected]

Contact Details:

Name: Dr. Tariq Aziz
Role: Okara Experiment Team Lead
Email: [email protected]

Contact Details:

Name: Dr. Ahmad Nawaz
Role: AWD and GHG Study Team Lead

Email: [email protected]